
An Informatics system for Transcriptome Analysis Data

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TransAtlasDB Quick Start Guide

TransAtlasDB is a sophisticated bioinformatics system, which incorporates both the Relational Database and NoSQL Database system.

The relational database, MySQL, enforces data assurance and integrity and the NoSQL database system, FastBit, ensures rapid performance for querying big data.
Hence, both database systems are required to be installed and added to the systems’ or users’ executable path.


First, we need to download appropriate databases and required Perl modules from the Usage & Downloads page, before proceeding to the next section.

Assume that we have downloaded TransAtlasDB toolkit and unpacked the TAR package using tar -xzvf transatlasdb.tgz or the ZIP package using unzip
You will see that the directory contains several Perl programs with .pl suffix.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the TransAtlasDB folder is in your desired permanent location before proceeding, preferably the $HOME directory.
NOTE: If you already added the transatlasdb path into your system executable path, then typing would be okay instead of typing perl


The TransAtlasDB database system and necessary components need to be installed to a local disk using INSTALL-tad.pL and user must have root privileges to install.
IMPORTANT: TransAtlasDB installation requires superuser (root) privileges.

Only the –password argument is required if the user has root or admin privileges to the MySQL server, else specify the username and password.

# Syntax for installing TransAtlasDB using defaults and mysql password as 'mysql-password'.
  sudo perl transatlasdb-location/INSTALL-tad.pL -password mysql-password

Otherwise, arguments such as the mysql username -username is required and optionally the database name -databasename, else the default name transatlasdb will be assigned.

# Syntax for installing TransAtlasDB specifying username as 'mysql-username' and databasename as 'mysql-databasename'.
  sudo perl INSTALL-tad.pL -p mysql-password -username mysql-username -databasename mysql-databasename

The NoSQL folder-name -fastbitname and system's path -location can be optionally specified, if not, a default folder transatlasfb will be created in the working directory.

# Syntax for installing TransAtlasDB specifying username as 'mysql-username' and databasename as 'mysql-databasename' with nosql folder 'nosqlfolder'.
  sudo perl INSTALL-tad.pL -p mysql-password  -u mysql-username -d mysql-databasename -fastbitname nosqlfolder

Connecting to the database using connect-tad.pL

The installational module needs to be carried out once per local disk to prevent database access conflict. However, if such conflict arises user settings can be viewed and/or corrected for using connect-tad.pL.

# Syntax for viewing user installation details.
# Syntax for setting existing user installation details. Parameters are the same as the INSTALL-tad.pL script.
  connect-tad.pL -p mysql-password  -u mysql-username -d mysql-databasename -fastbitname nosqlfolder


Transcriptome analysis data can be imported using

Importing Samples Metadata

The samples information, commonly known as, samples metadata consists of the relevant details to uniquely identify each specimen used for RNAseq.
The samples metadata can be imported via -metadata folowed by the FAANG sample submission spreadsheet or the template tab-delimited file. Instructions on samples metadata requirements can be found here.

# Syntax for importing the example FAANG metadata provided. -metadata example/metadata/FAANG/FAANG_GGA_UD.xlsx 
# The second option to import a tab-delimited file using the example provided. -metadata -t example/metadata/TEMPLATE/metadata_GGA_UD.txt

Importing Transcriptome Analysis Data

Transcriptome analysis results can be inserted using -data2db. The transcriptome profiling data or variant analysis data can be imported together via -all or separately using -gene for expresion profiling results or -variant for variant analysis results.

# Syntax for importing all RNASeq expression and variant results in for sample 'GGA_UD_1004'. -data2db -all example/sample_sxt/GGA_UD_1004
# Syntax for importing RNASeq expression profiling information in for sample 'GGA_UD_1004'. -data2db -gene example/sample_sxt/GGA_UD_1004
# Syntax for importing RNASeq variant results in for sample 'GGA_UD_1004'. -data2db -variant example/sample_sxt/GGA_UD_1004

Importing Variant Annotation information

The variant functional annotations predicted from either VEP or ANNOVAR can also be imported using additional flags -vep or -annovar respectively and must be in their default tab-delimited format. If VEP, the filename should end with .vep.txt, or else if ANNOVAR, the file having suffix .multianno.txt will be accepted.

# Syntax for importing RNASeq variant results with VEP annotations for sample 'GGA_UD_1004'. -data2db -variant -vep example/sample_sxt/GGA_UD_1014
# Syntax for importing RNASeq data with ANNOVAR annotations for sample 'GGA_UD_1004'. -data2db -all example/sample_sxt/GGA_UD_1004 -annovar

NOTE: The analysis data should be stored in a single folder for each sample and the folder-name must be the same sample name as represented in the samples metadata. A typical folder directory structure is shown here.

Data import procedure for samples metadata (A) and RNAseq data (B) respectively.


Transcriptome analysis data previously stored can be retrieved using
NOTE: Analysis data can also be retrieved using the web interface.

The export module offers two methods of extracting data from the database; one by performing data manipulation language (DML) SQL statements using -query and the second method consisting of pre-defined queries of research interest using -db2data.

Performing DML Statements

Users can execute direct SQL statements via -query to both the relational and nonrelational database (using -nosql) and all queries must be wrapped with single quotation.
More information on writing Select statements to FastBit can be viewed here. For instance, executing 'show tables' will retrieve all the rows currently in the database, which can be stored as a tab-delimited file.

# Syntax to view all the tables in the database. -query 'show tables'
# Syntax to retrieve all the rows in the Sample table and store the results in a tab-delimited file 'output.txt'. -query 'select * from Sample' -output output.txt
# Syntax on nosql database, to view the first ten rows in the gene-information folder. -nosql gene-information -query 'select genename,organism,tissue,fpkm,tpm where 1=1 limit 10'

Executing Pre-defined Queries of Research Interest

The pre-defined user statements can be accessed via -db2data.

This method entails four options, that are of research interest:
  1. Average expression values of specified genes organized by the different tissues.
  2. Average expression values via --avgfpkm flag
    View the average, maximum and minimum expression (FPKM) values of specified genes given species and/or tissue(s) of interest.
# Syntax to view the expression values of genes 'MST' and 'GDF' for the 'Gallus gallus' specie in the database. -db2data -avgfpkm -gene 'MST,GDF' -species 'Gallus gallus'
# To export prior syntax as a tab-delimited file 'output.txt'. -db2data -avgfpkm -gene 'MST,GDF' -species 'Gallus gallus' -o output.txt
  1. Gene expression profiles across the different samples of the same organism. Specific samples can be selected.
  2. Gene expression profiles via --genexp flag
    View expression values of individual genes per sample. This is done to easily compare expression profiles of the different samples.
# Syntax to view all the genes of all samples in the database for 'Gallus gallus' organism. -db2data -genexp -species 'Gallus gallus'
# To export prior syntax as a tab-delimited file 'output.txt'. -db2data -genexp -species 'Gallus gallus' -o output.txt
# Syntax to view expression profiles of genes 'OPTN' and 'GDF' for samples 'GGA_UD_1004'. -db2data -genexp -species 'Gallus gallus' -gene 'OPTN,GDF' -sample 'GGA_UD_1004' -o output.txt
  1. Variant distribution of all, or selected chromosomes for individual samples in the database.
  2. Variant distribution of chromosomes via --chrvar flag
    Summary counts of the different variant types per chromosome for each sample.
# Syntax to view chromosome variant counts for all samples in the database for 'Gallus gallus' organism. -db2data -chrvar -species 'Gallus gallus'
# To export prior syntax as a tab-delimited file 'output.txt'. -db2data -chrvar -species 'Gallus gallus' -o output.txt
# Syntax to view variant count fo expression profiles of chromosomes 'chr1, chr2, chr3' for all samples. -db2data -chrvar -species 'Gallus gallus' -chromosome 'chr1,chr2,chr3' -o output.txt
# Syntax to view variant count fo expression profiles of chromosomes 'chr1, chr2, chr3' for sample 'GGA_UD_1004'. -db2data -chrvar -species 'Gallus gallus' -chromosome 'chr1,chr2,chr3' -sample 'GGA_UD_1004' -o output.txt
  1. Variants and predicted functional annotations found in the organism or selected genes or chromosomes.
  2. Variants and functional annotations via --varanno flag
    View gene-associated variants and chromosomal region-associated variants with respective annotation information. and annotation information.
# Syntax to view associated variants with respective annotation information for 'OPTN' gene in 'Gallus gallus' organism. -db2data -varanno -gene 'OPTN' -species 'Gallus gallus'
# Syntax to view associated variants with respective annotation for chromosomes 'chr1,chr4,chr7' in 'Gallus gallus' organism. -db2data -varanno -chromosome 'chr1, chr4, chr7' -species 'Gallus gallus'
# Syntax to view associated variants with respective annotation for chr1:50000-900000 in 'Gallus gallus' organism. -db2data -varanno -chromosome 'chr1' -region 50000-900000 -species 'Gallus gallus'
# To export prior syntax as a tab-delimited file 'output.txt'. -db2data -varanno -chromosome 'chr1' -region 50000-900000 -species 'Gallus gallus' -o output.txt
# To export prior syntax as a vcf file 'output.vcf'. -db2data -varanno -chromosome 'chr1' -region 50000-900000 -species 'Gallus gallus' -o -vcf output.vcf
Data retrieval procedure.


Interacting with TransAtlasDB using

If uncertain on how to proceed with the export module, the interaction module provides an easy-to-use menu-driven interface.
The menu offers seven choices of exploratory research interest and provides a detailed description of what can be done from the module.

# Syntax to begin the interaction module.

NOTE: The interaction module only outputs a small subset of results and further instructions on how to export the complete results will be displayed.

Deleting Data

Sample results can only be imported once to ensure data integrity, nonetheless, previously imported data can be cautiously deleted using -delete followed by sample name.

# Syntax for deleting sample 'GGA_UD_1004' from the database. -delete GGA_UD_1004


TransAtlasDB web portal can be viewed using PHP and Apache. The URL for the web portal is provided after installation and at default it is located at http://localhost/web.
Biologist can benefit from using the web interface to interact with the analysis data previously stored using the data import module.
The web interface is designed into five major sections:


The about page gives the summary statistics of the samples data imported in the database, and consist of four parts.
  • Organisms:
    This sections displays the organisms and total number of samples present in the database.
  • Animals:
    This section displays the number of animals for each organism in the database.
  • Samples:
    This section displays the organisms and total number of samples for each tissue in the database.
  • Samples Processed:
    This section displays the summary counts of the samples already archived in the database.
  • Database Content:
    This section displays the summary count of the variants and genes present in the database.

Data Import

The data import page provides two methods of importing the samples metadata. Storing the large data files such as the gene expression profiling and variants analysis results can only be done using the Perl toolkit as explained above.
  • File Upload:
    Sample metadata are uploaded from a sample file, either using the sample tab-delimited template or FAANG spreadsheet.
    NOTE: At this point, only sample metadata files can be uploaded via the web interface. RNAseq analyses data files should be imported through the command-line toolkit.
Data import file upload page.
  • Manual Entry:
    Samples metadata can also be inserted by manually entering the information.
Data import manual entry page.


The metadata page displays the samples stored in the database and an overview of each sample storage-status as well as the analysis summary where applicable. The samples can be exported as a tab-delimited file.
  • Samples Metadata and storage status:
    View samples metadata currently in the database based on search criteria.
Displays all samples in the database by clicking on 'GO'.
  • RNAseq results metadata:
    View samples analysis metadata.
Displays all sample analysis metadata in the database by clicking on 'GO'.

SQL Query

Select statements can be performed on both the MySQL relational database and FastBit NoSQL database. Statements performed will return a table of records based on the select expression, which can be saved as a tab-delimited file.
  • Relational database.
Querying 'Metadata' table to view all samples in the database.
  • Nonrelational database.
Querying 'gene-information' folder to view the first 10 gene records found in the Dog samples provided in the database.

Gene Expression

The gene expression data can be viewed based on the individual sample-gene expression or average expression profiles of multiple genes across all samples and tissues. By specifying one or more genes by their gene symbols, a fuzzy search is performed based on the characters specified. The results can be saved in a tab-delimited file.
  • Gene Expression summary across all samples.
Displays all 'OPTN' genes expression summary statistics for all G. gallus samples.
  • Gene Expression for each sample
Displays all 'OPTN' gene expression for each sample selected.


Variants can be viewed through querying gene symbols or chromosomal regions.
  • Variant distribution per chromosome and sample
Displays the total number of variants, SNPs and INDELs found in chromosomes (chr1, chr2, chr3) for sample 'GGA_UD_1014'.
  • Variants found in genomic regions of specified genes. One or more genes can be specified and a fuzzy search is performed for each gene queried. The results can be exported as a tab-delimited file.
Displays all the variants and annotations for the 'OPTN' gene in G. gallus organism.
  • Variants found based on chromosomal regions specified. These results can be exported as a tab-delimited file or a VCF file for downstream analysis or visualization.
Displays all the variants and annotations found in G. gallus along chr1:6540000-6580000.

Please click the menu items to navigate through this repository. If you have questions, comments and bug reports, please email me directly.

Thank you very much for your help and support!

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